Many years ago, in the county of Gwynedd, lived a brave and well respected prince called Llewelyn. This prince loved to hunt and his favourite hunting dog was called Gelert. Gelert accompanied him everywhere and was always to be found at the head of the pack. This prince had a son, a babe whose mother had died in childbirth. Llewelyn had loved his wife dearly and been broken hearted by her death. His only consolation had been his son. On her death-bed, Llewelyn had promised his wife that he would cherish the boy and this he did.
One day, Llewelyn went out hunting. The baby lay fast asleep in his cradle and the day was cold and damp but the fire was lit in the chimney. The prince decided to leave his loyal hound, Gelert to protect the homestead. As he left he gently stroked the dog’s huge and said to him to take care of the baby. But as he entered the room he beheld a terrible sight. The baby’s cradle was lay empty on the floor. Gelert, and everything else in the room, was covered by blood. The dog looked exhausted but wagged his tail weakly. Next, Llywelyn thought that Gelert killed his son so he plunged his dagger into dog's side. After that, he found a died wolf on the floor and picked the baby who was safe thanks to Gelert. Filled with remorse, Llelwelyn knelt and gently stroked his faithful friend and Gelert’s tail thumped the ground slowly for the last time. Gelert’s body was buried outside the castle walls, close to the river.